Why You Need Organizational Help

Looking around your home, do you feel surrounded by items you love and use, or do you feel more like you’re surrounded by “stuff” you’ve accumulated over the years and don’t really have time to deal with it? For many people, the latter holds true. Blame it on the pace of life, but most people aren’t sitting around for hours at a time thinking of how to curate the belongings in their home…they are thinking about how to tackle the next challenge at work, care for their children/aging parents/pets, manage to get groceries in the fridge and dinner on the table…even planning a vacation often takes a backseat to the requirements of “life”. So, curating a home filled by only loved and useful possessions? Ha!

Though often conceptually important, it seems to fall to the bottom of the list because time is hard to come by and because even when people find a few hours to begin the process, they feel overwhelmed and the whole thing becomes a nonstarter. What happens when this cycle stays in place? Well, take a look around…things accumulate. Needs are often met by acquiring new things, but to keep pace with “life” rarely do people consistently take time to part with things that are no longer needed. Books spill out of bookshelves. Basements are loaded with miscellaneous boxes, taped up with contents unknown. Kitchen cabinets are filled with gadgets to “help” but are forgotten because they often aren’t even in view. Papers are heaped together and it’s anyone’s best guess which bills are due when. Children’s toys leak from room to room until there is no “adult” space left in a home. How does this sort of lifestyle make people feel? Anxious. Overwhelmed. Stressed. Why? Because it makes life more difficult than it has to be. It’s frustrating when things that are needed go missing. It takes extra time to locate something that is supposed to be in a specific spot, but isn’t. It’s hard to be a bundle of joy/amazing life partner/super parent when you’re home feels like a relentless mess.

Pause. Take a deep breath. There is another way.

Your home can support you. It can be a place of happiness and respite. It can serve your needs with ease. It can be a space that lifts you up and consistently makes you feel good, despite living a busy and sometimes “overly committed” life.

How? How is that possible? Well, it starts with deciding now is the time to create meaningful change. It requires a commitment from you to carve out a few days to go from chaos to creating a space you love to wake up in every day – and a commitment to reassess every now and then. Should you find you need a hand to get you started (or take you through the whole process from start to finish) I will be at the ready. The work you undertake will serve you in ways you have only begun to imagine!

Abbi Baldwin