Abagael Baldwin
Organizational Designer

Maybe the life you’ve always wanted is buried under
everything you own.
— Joshua Becker

my story

A strange and somewhat hilarious truth has been obvious to me for quite a long time: organizational design is my truest passion.


I’ll admit it: I am completely in my element when I am decluttering, organizing and working to create interiors that function optimally and look their very best. Nothing thrills me more than helping people reclaim their lives from their belongings.   

Yes, I can make a living space look like something out of an HGTV special; sure. But, my real goal goes far beyond superficial appearance: my real goal is to create long lasting functionality that serves people day in and day out, without hassle.  

As my father always says, “There are very few shortcuts in life worth taking.” Decluttering is challenging work. Plain and simple. But I am here to roll up my sleeves and work alongside you until you see and feel the transformation not only in your space, but often within yourself.

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.
— William Morris